Almost there...
Well, I've just finished looking at the final mix of my film. There's a couple of things left for the sound engineer to do and it's done. I walked home feeling incredibly depressed. Not because of the sound guys and what they've done, they actually fixed alot of the mistakes that needed fixing because of the animation. The fact that I don't like the designs, the animation, pretty much everything has little to do with it. It's probably about 50% of what I want. Some of the blame, nope, alot of the blame comes from the "d list" "talent" I was forced to deal with. Without getting into any specifics, let's just say that her talents were NOT to dai for.....yeah you read that right. Anyway, for me to elaborate would be for me to be broadcast on every media outlet possible so NOBODY hires this idiot. There has to be alcohol involved as well.