Thought you might like to see some pics from the event, including the crowd of people that were there and (when it was all over) my apartment that I retired to. I got a lot of people that came by, there were laughs and claps, so that felt good. I made some "swag" that people bought, that was good too. I'm planning on entering this into some festivals and stuff. I've even got some ideas for a sequel because of things people were saying during the screening. It was a good night and I'm happy that all the people that came enjoyed it. Now off to Wimbledon.
Hi Paul
Hopefully next time you can invite Vic and I to come...I would loveto see what you do first hand. The pics are GREAT!
Ruby Legge (Vic's other half lol)
How is it that when I do a search for CN tower Tour of the Universe, I find pictures of Paul Mota??
Glad to see at least one other person knows about TOTU and Space Race, greatest attraction in Torontos history next to the Organ Grinder, also defunct.
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