
It's been about a year, and not much else to report. STILL working on "Lightning", still going thru crap with my computer, still wondering what the future will bring. Wish I could go to LA again, borrow my buddy's car, travel to the future and see what happens. I am however learning a lot about the filmmaking process, and I'm sure there's so much more to learn. I've heard a lot of advice over the years, heard and read a bunch of interviews, and my advice is to GET AS MUCH MONEY AS YOU CAN before starting this because money can buy you what you want. If I had unlimited funds, my film would turn out a lot different and would probably be close to what I really want it to be like. I have however finished animating and I'm just spending time going through the scenes fixing stuff that's really bad or better organizing my dope sheets, so it's still going on. I've been visiting a bunch of sites looking at other people's work and still marvel at the talent out there. I love the fact that I know how some stuff is done but I STILL get a kick out of it. That's when you know something's good. Speaking of good, I wonder what Indiana Jones, Bats and Shell-Head are going to be like this year. I hate it when people say "I hope they don't screw it up" or "It better be good". If you go in with that kind of mentality, you're almost expecting a bad time. I also think people better rethink about what kind of films they enjoy....more on that in another post. Now I'll only comment about the posters I've seen. I LOVE the art of movie posters which is sadly non-existant. Remember when movie posters used to be good? When seeing the poster was part of the excitement? I just saw the poster for the new Indy film, and because it's Drew Struzan's work....GREAT. Much better than the Iron Man poster which is probably some exec's idea of art. If it's a comic book movie than have some poster that has the characters doing something that draws you in. Instead, I can actually here the "art director" talking..."Well we gotta have an image that has him flying because how else will the audience know he flies?"...and make sure to have some explosions in there, and we gotta show the villain, is Robert's face bigger? we gotta have Terrence's face in there too.....AAAGHHH. It looks like some kid with a knowledge of Photoshop did it, with someone behind him no doubt. I've tried uploading the images of the posters but OF COURSE the computer won't let me...when did machines become tempermental? Whatever... here are the links to check them out yourself. Till next time, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.
Glad you're starting your blog up again. I always love hearing your thoughts on these things :)
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